peaceniks are warmongers for our enemies, page-29

  1. 930 Posts.
    re: peaceniks are useful idiots. Olive, i dont think you spent too much time reading that post.

    let me help.

    The term was coined by Lenin and reiterated by Stalin to describe the "useful idiots " in the west who fell over themselves to be chic and support totalitarian regimes masquerading as Workers Paradises, while turning a blind eye to the gun towers, barbed wire, genocide, incarceration and murder of dissidents.

    i remember the footage of East Germans being shot and entangled in barbed wire as they ran across No Mans land to the West Berlin ,while the wests "Useful Idiots" clamoured to read Marx and form communist parties.

    I remember the footage of the Red Guards as they carried out Mao's Cultural Revolution while the Wests "Useful Idiots" bought Little Red Books, read the Tribune Newspaper, sewed Red Stars on their flairs and sang Bob dylan songs.

    I remember the footage of the Fall of Saigon even though the NVA were virtually on the ropes and the Wests "Useful Idiots" danced in the streets and sang "Ho Ho H o Chi Minh " as the Sth Vietnamese diaspora escaped around the globe in leaky boats.

    I remember when Pol Pot was butchering his own people and the "Useful Idiots" recognised his government as legitimate.

    I remember the chinese rust buckets running up on our shores and the "useful idiots" falling over themselves to castigate our government for wanting them to go back and yet never looking to the reason why they came.

    I remember with shame when the Indos got the nod from "Comrade Whitlam" one of our all time "Great Useful Idiots" complete with entourage who sold out the people of East Timor who had died in their thousands to keep our WW11 soldiers from Japanese execution..

    And now im seeing it again as people flood from Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Nigeria, and every god forsaken islamic country to the west while our current crop of the West's "useful idiots" attack not the perpetrators of this exodus , but the West for not allowing an open door policy for any dead beat and conman that wants "in" . What i dont see is the "useful idiots" calling for the removal of the tyrannical regimes that are the root cause.

    I see people who have no respect for ours or any western country, badmouth their hosts and make "demands" that we change to accomodate them and not vice versa, and once again the Wests "useful Idiots" take up the baton and demand we bend over backwards to make way.

    "Useful Idiots" is a peculiarity of the West, not the reverse, a "useful Idiot" in any of the alternative countries who wanted to protest and proclaim , "go home Yanks.......and take me with you", would find not a boat trip , but a rough ride in the back of a truck to a secluded location and a unsympathetic bullet in the back of the head.

    that is why , "useful idiots" who work to subvert their own country, are the first to get liquidated, the totalitarian authority know what loose cannons they are when they take control.

    So If you defend, "Useful idiots" then i guess, you must be an idiot.
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