re: nq- your childish attempt at baiti Yak, you're a moron.But a...

  1. 2,061 Posts.
    re: nq- your childish attempt at baiti Yak, you're a moron.
    But a harmless one...that's the saving grace.
    You wear your badge of honour..the Star of David and the Shalom greeting call with pride but you know not what it stands for.
    I have many friends who are of your faith, mostly they are compassionate, rational individuals who understand the complex nature of their brothers & sisters sad situation in their rightfull piece of land knowm as Israel.
    Many, if not most, want peace. Rightfully so. Many, if not most, know that peace will not be secured until they hand back what the ENEMY (let's call them that for want of a better word) want, deserve, and rightfully own - a free, independant & autonomous Palestine - no mor no less than what the Israelis want for Israel.
    Yak, bark all you like, but peace will not be attained until this becomes the first step in the long road to mutual understanding.
    There will be many obstacles. The Palestinians are not sophisticated beings. They have so many shortcommings, one wonders weather they will ever be able to manage a peacefull process.
    But they are, for now, the victims of an injustice.
    They appear to have no other way of expressing their anger, other than through barbaric, inhumane means.
    I don't condone it, I don't justify it, I abhor it!
    But I find it difficult not to sympathise with them, just a little bit. I ask myself what I would do in their situation. And in all honesty, I cannot tell you that I would not resort to their methods, given their circumstances.
    Equally I feel great sympathy for the majority of Israelis, who I am convinced, would give anything to bring this nightmare to an end,
    The ones for whom I have no sympathy are the fundamentalists. On both sides. And that my boy, includes you.
    You are not prepared to give an inch.
    You talk at length about rightfull Jewish claims to land that is not yours, you talk about your deep seeded hatred & suspicion of a people who bear your mark & culture, you spew out all over this forum your bile & hatred for your neighbours with whom you will have to learn to live for the rest of time. You offer no solutions, you simply add to the problem.
    So don't call me childish, you ungodly excuse for a human being. People like you have, are and always will be the main reason why mankind is destined to live in pain.

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