MFS mfs limited

Talent?Are you serious Athyrio?He has been in charge of MFS and...

  1. 11,407 Posts.

    Are you serious Athyrio?

    He has been in charge of MFS and it has failed.

    This is pure failure staring everyone on the eys.

    He came, he failed, now he is leaving.

    The quicker he goes the better.

    His only interest seems to be preserving his own image, not MFS's image, not shareholders investments, just his own image in the public's eye.

    How can you resect a man that was in charge of your money, who failed miserably, resorts to public slandering of someone who is about to take his position, then decides the company he has been in chage off is too messed up and decides he is running for the door.

    You guys respect that?

    You guys wanted that instead of Chris Scott whose reputation is one of building and selling VERY succesful business's.

    Give us all a break now.

    Admit you backed the wrong person for all the wrong reasons.

    Even if you dont admit it, Peacock has admitted it himself.

    He is now resigning as he knows someone can do it better.

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