Pell is a scapegoat. Not an abuser. IMO, page-19

  1. 10,391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Bolt makes some good points:

    The complainant’s initial claim to police was that Pell had parted his vestments, but an alb cannot be parted; it is like a seamless dress.

    Later, the complainant said Pell moved the vestments to the side. An alb secured with a cincture cannot be moved to the side. The police never inspected the vestments during their investigations.

    It is the word of one man, codenamed AA, against the word of Cardinal Pell.

    There are no witnesses and evidence was given that the second alleged victim, who died long ago, told his mother that he had not been sexually abused while a chorister.

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