But if a jury, as you suggest, ought only be selected after IQ...

  1. 7,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    But if a jury, as you suggest, ought only be selected after IQ testing then isn't there an exaggerated risk the accused would not have his/her guilt or innocence decided by "a jury of his/her peers" but instead by his/her superiors for want of a better word?

    The average IQ of alleged criminal perpetrators brought to trial by jury in general court cases is probably nowhere near the level required in Pell's case, to comprehend the extensive "opportunistic evidence" and the weighting thereof by a jury of his peers.

    One wonders whether the decision by Pell's defence to seek a trial by jury was a mistake in hindsight in such a complicated and publicly commentaried case. The right to a fair trial was not afforded due to the heavily one-sided extensive media coverage starting initially with their ABC soliciting for victims a decade ago.
    Last edited by etherazer: 07/04/20
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