" I've decided to charge them for my time." Good on ya! These...

  1. 22,683 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    " I've decided to charge them for my time."

    Good on ya!

    These politicians that get paid to vote, their prime job is to vote on motions,

    to see if they get passed or not, can abstain from voting, 3 of them,

    after the last federal election, went home early, and didn't vote, shrug their shoulders,

    and still get paid.

    After getting elected, motor mouth Hinch was curled up like a bug in a rug, sound asleep,

    52 days after the election, and his first day as a politician.

    Then these clowns want to charge me as a 'criminal', and fine me as well ?

    Most corrupt and incompetent 'workplace' in Australia.

    Have more holidays than school kids, grossly overpaid, and doubt there would be many

    allowed in to "work" if they had to be breath tested either before starting, or after lunch.
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