Add this talking-machine of a woman to the list of liars,along...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Add this talking-machine of a woman to the list of liars,
    along with Gillard and Swan.

    As I write, Wong is weaseling her way through a so-called debate/interview on ABC News Radio (Saturday, 26/2 - EST) on Carbon Tax. with a young man from the Liberal Party her opposite number. (didn't catch his name - sorry).
    When the interviewer raised the issue of the Julia Gillard lie, i.e. "There will be NO Carbon Tax under any Government I lead" - Wong went off on several wild tangents, amongst which she threw in the statement (as fact) - "but the people voted for it!!!"
    No, Ms. Wong they DID NOT!

    Wong survives as Gillard and Swan do - by prattling on with her ideology non-stop and across the top of the interviewer. It is not a debate - it's a talk down to and patronise your opponent battle, and never consider an opposite view (as one should in a proper debate).

    Do these people believe what many liars over history also have done - that if you repeat a lie often enough, it somehow morphs into the truth?

    Public anti-Carbon Tax Rally in Melbourne proposed by a listener being talked about on MTR Radio for March 26th.
    MTR say they will support it.

    It's time the people stood up to these manipulating "masters". Who are in reality our servants. Time they started to consider us - the ones who pay their salaries! Morons!

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