penny wong on q&a

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    The prior sho was the "Kevin Rudd" show.

    Last night's was the "Penny Wong' show.

    On and on she rattled, almost always either on camera or being flashed to for an expression - with the biggest heap of gobbledegook I've heard for a long time. All delivered with that supercilious, patronising, now children I'm the mummy smile.

    There they all sat like a row of moving clown heads - she in her pale blue business shirt and grey suit - same as the men. She got the most balls put into her mouth.

    Last question was from a scientist - arguing the point about global warming. Thewn someone said we, the public, should have a vote on it.

    "You DID have a vote on it" she had the gall to reply!

    The Scientist replied - well, if we'd known of it when we did vote, you wouldn't be in government now.

    Big applause from the audience.

    It was nice to see Wong squirm. And Jones squirm along with her. He did his usual job of molly-coddling the token Leftie on the panel.
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