pension, page-114

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Still wont work as a lot of rich people wouldn't think that was fair either and they would pay a lot less tax.

    Its the way the system works, employees do not have the option of paying tax or not but the richer you get the less tax you pay and that is just the way it is.

    The way the company and Trust Fund laws work just allows them to escape most of the tax. This is why no one will ever be able to legally break trust funds. Its been tried often and stopped every time.

    Now with Tony Abbott reducing company tax by 1.5% the government is looking for ways to recoup that tax from the workers. Wait and see what happens to your super. The tax will rise and you wont be able to get it until your 70, that will happen for sure.

    Cutting the states slice of tax revenue is designed to force states to increase GST and if this is not stopped GST will rise as sure as the sun does.
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