People desert Murdoch Mouthpieces for Facebook, page-21

  1. 2,937 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 223
    Accountability sits with the individuals who undertook the actions that increased the spread. Just like in aged care the companies and their directors who over saw the governance structures that employed people who were unfit for the role and did not equip them with the training and PPEs required for them to do their job will be who is held accountable. Have not read all of the newly introduced industrial manslaughter provisions but I am assuming this will be the vehicle of accountability (will be a very heavy experience for those involved). The aged care system and now the disability sector are two federally funded systems (both with current royal commissions) looking into many issues to do with abuse and neglect- horror show for many- gouging will no doubt come into scope but lack of federal oversight and accountability will no doubt be an issue in these sectors. The red tape cutting cheer squad who the populist morons pander too are key drivers of that outcome- but the buck stops with the victims and their families.

    The issuing of the contract to the company and the process that led to it will no doubt be looked at I have not read anything there but from my understanding there were irregularities and the person who did it stood down pending further action. All govts have made mistakes but to think a Libral state govt would have done any better highly unlikely.
    The govt cannot instil personal responsibility or common sense into the average idiot and there are a lot of them about!
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