People smugglers new model, page-10

  1. 86,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''yet they also have a valid point that these people do need to enter the country via legal and appropriate means.''

    but that is impossible for many who are escaping war etc. - it's just not possible

    ''but more to the point is the fear of "other" that inspires such illogical fear and hatred of the "invaders".... maybe if they look hard enough they might see the similarity to Aboriginal peoples' fear and hatred of we white invaders.''

    I think that it's just philosophical and practical craziness - to have the attitude that we have towards gutsy determined refugees ------------

    people who WANT to come to Oz and other places for a new life - to make a better life --------

    and the very people who want to stop them are the prodigy of people who were FORCED to come to Oz because they were social rejects and were shoved onto boats in chains for transportation

    there's an ironical stupidity in that

    as I said - I looked around England a little, I have several English mates - and I have no doubt whatsoever why Britain is failing ------------- yet - they have these amazing people who try their best AND many succeed to go on horrendous journeys to get to the UK because, they want to go to the UK

    and a lot of English people would rather kick them away ------------- crazy

    ok, not all might be desirable - but, a hell of a lot of them are. Magnificent people --

    and I think back to so many businesses and owners of businesses I've heard say over the years - we always have room for good people

    I've got one bloke I know - a highly highly skilled machinist --------------- there are companies falling all over him trying to pinch him away from his employer who he is loyal to --------- he's a refugee

    the bonehead brigade, if they saw him walking down the street and knew he was a refugee - would want him gone

    yet he's continually the target of head hunting attempts.

    we are blind to quality so often
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