PER 0.00% 0.8¢ percheron therapeutics limited

We following Sarepta...interesting Looks like Monkey tox clears...

  1. 3,786 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 877
    We following Sarepta...interesting

    Looks like Monkey tox clears the way for US FDA discussions to be moved forwrard which in turn clears a way for US partners....which could be Sarepta if they are keen.

    Now this is important as PRV and other US plans rely on this news...also if the FDA wants another trial or we get a conditional fast track approval or a stellar result from EU may grant immediate approval..

    Either ways a US partner would benefit from all the above and with the latest US appointment all pointing to a US partner...which may be announced with TOX study results..

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