perhaps i am alone ... no matter

  1. dub
    33,892 Posts.
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    I'm ageing, have had quite my shares of high and low points in life with and am relatively content to be who I am and where I am now ... I'm now inconsequential.

    I've come to holdn certain beliefs.

    So now I ask myself what is it I believe -

    1. There is a cominality in all religions. The comminality is correct, each religion is wrong.

    2. there is an exponential curve now depicting the world's population growth. Exponential curves are signs of 'crack-up booms' and are subject to correction of 50% .... or more.

    3. Big business has become the master of the world, far overshadowing/overpowering governments, nations, countries, states and people. They rule, and amongst the top rulers is the House of Rothschild.

    4. Major media is controlled by the big business interests, so most of the population learns/believes the news they are supposed to learn/believe.

    5. War/threat/fear is good for the interests of big business.

    6. The general popultion of developed countries is being 'dumbed down' by the equivalents of Rome's Bread and Circuses. It is the developed countries populations that are important to the 'masters', since they are the main source of threat to the corporate rulers-to-be.

    7. The 'middle class' of the 'developed countries' is being eroded/destroyed, and a huge gulf is being developed between the very rich and the rest.

    8. Inflation is the tool of the 'masters' for this, and the advent of more than 30 years of purely fiat currency is doing/has done the job perfectly!

    9. 'Our" governments have sold us down the drain, all in the name of economy and business - which is false.

    We have been polarised to 'left' or 'right', and encouraged/persuaded and abetted to attack rather than consider those of opposing views. We've lost much of the heart, the openess, the warmth, the trust, the soul of what made Australia a great place to be.

    Is this then the fault of others?


    For mine, the fault is our own.

    Perhaps I'm alone.

    I really don't care.

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