I dont think Malaga is a RE agent... He just has one investment...

  1. 275 Posts.
    I dont think Malaga is a RE agent... He just has one investment class in his portfolio... Perth Bricks and Mortar.

    Net migration and jobs growth will be on your side Malaga until mid 2014, the greater fools may very well be convinced that now is the time to buy and will cause a 3-5% jump in prices.. however we will peak in Perth around this time, the writing is on the wall in that how many big new projects have you seen announced for WA in the past 2 years?? Apart from Government pipe dreams?? Next to none.. Its these projects which keep the ponzi prices from collapsing..

    These big capex projects take years of detailed design and planning, right now anything not in the construction phase is shelved in the private sector. Even if we had some sort explosion in commodities prices, that wont translate into new jobs to pick up the slack in 2014.. The lead time on designing these job creating projects just isnt there and we will be due for a dip.

    Or I may be wrong, either way I will watch out for your weekly market listings segment and stories of highgate Coffee adventures and Perth property sale prices booming none the less.
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