peter beattie australias worst ever premier, page-23

  1. 2,469 Posts.
    just listen to the way beatie talks to us through media,
    he is an arogant self centered man pulling the wool over our eyes, the last thing you need to run a state!
    we need real people in politics, meaning a general mix of the comunity, businespeople, teachers, homemakers etc

    not lawyers/cronies and actors/socialites , (i think 90% are lawyers, we know why they become lawyers, i think money hungrey is why, do we need money hungry people who sell us out, i heard Hawke and Keating since retiring from politics work for indonesian companies, hmmm and just how long where they working for them re: we are asia and the like)

    the media decide who we get not us! read murder by the media just a glimse possible
    seems most media barrons are closet polatition`s AND THIS IS HALF OUR PROBLEM, WE SHOULD DECIDE WHO NOT THEM!!! seems to me very little in the media is fact so why do we buy it, do we need so much bull?, do we like it? as we d not make laws against such a debilatating disease
    media need to be sorted out!!!!

    note the recent Rivkin witchhunt
    not so recent Hanson
    we must start to take more notice and act

    re MOST IMPORTANT our health system
    25 years ago the government/media of Australia would seem to have decided to do something about this rich/smart/influential/ ever growing more powerful group and as gov saw medling in gov affairs Dr`s of Australia where notianlised or put on a wage,like comunism (plumbers get heaps more and they do not have to pay fees and study like dr)

    end result we do not have many smart/good Dr`s as they are overseas where they are apreciated as they are smart, or plumbers hehe

    so our gov hired the only Dr`s who would work under our conditions and this was mainly from INDIA, man!!!!!

    now the indians will not come as Dr Death problems pervade the comunity/profesion and we wake up to the fact our Dr`s are 3rd world !!!! even worse dislike us, our way of life and looks can upset people sepcially if the feel left out or cant join.
    Bundaberg is tip of the iceberg

    wake up people if you want a plumber you pay him heaps, but feel you should pay your Dr F ALL
    we deserve this, we pay our scientist bugger all but movie stars sound to me like they are saving the world all they do is make a f ing movie???!!!! i have to scratch my head and think what is going on!!!

    if you do try and find an old Dr as traning was more one on one where the Dr had to know as he did not have a lot of backup, experiance is the big bonus

    as my old Dr would say, who recently passed away god bless,
    he would say the patient will tell me what is wrong all i do is look/listen, AND HE KNEW MAN
    new Dr`s seem to need a debate with colegues witch i dont see a problem with but results speak for themselves

    i am also concerned letting so many people with so much bagage and who obviosly have issues everywhere they settle into our country, might be a way of destabilising for uknwn reasons, it just seems so thoughtless, strange
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