Peter Dutton says vote NO! on October 14 but YES! afterwards if he becomes PM

  1. 47,327 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I almost fell off my chair when I heard the champion of the "NO!" Campaign against constitutional recognition for Australia's First Nations Peoples back-flip on his hollow talk about resurrecting an ATSIC like body via a legislated voice to Parliament to promise instead to hold a second referendum on constitutional recognition if Albanese's version fails on October 14th and he's elected PM.

    So let's unpack that:
    1. In Dutton World constitutional recognition of Australia's First Nations Peoples is divisive and dangerous if Albanese's referendum is approved by the Australian People.
    2. In Dutton World constitutional recognition of Australia's First Nations Peoples would be a you-little-beauty idea and will deliver a better future for First Nations Peoples if Peter Dutton is elected PM and runs a Peter Dutton version of the referendum.

    Talk about kicking cans down the road, eating your cake and still having it, megalomania and betrayal all rolled into one package; what a doozey!
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