Peter wrote:"For some among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful...

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    Peter wrote:

    "For some among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine of a man who is my adversary.

    And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive to distort my word by interpretation of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the Law … But that may God forbid! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said: ‘For heaven and earth will pass away, but not one jot or tittle shall pass away from the Law.”

    But these men, professing, I know not how, to know my mind, undertake to explain my words, which they have heard of me, more intelligently than I who spoke them, telling their students that the nullification of Torah is my intended meaning, which indeed I never thought of. But if, while I am still alive, they dare thus to misrepresent me, how much more will those who shall come after me dare to do so?”

    Excerpt from Peter’s letter to James from the Preface to The Clementine Homilies
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