'petrol could go to $1.10 a litre", page-4

  1. 1,256 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: 'petrol could go to $1.10 a litre Firstly, I am certain that the inclusion of Ethanol is up to be heard in the first parliarmentary sitting. It hasnt been approved as yet.
    I am invested in ICO and if you look back I made the first call on it the night before it went to .9c. Not to boast or brag, it was a fluke really.
    The price of ULP is a joke and the ACCC with fairy Phelps (soft cocked soft spoken wimp) is obviously hamstrung by the Oil Cartel who run this country.
    How can it be that rural Victoria ie. Bendigo can be up to 10c cheaper than Melbourne on such a regular basis. Its like a raffle trying to buy petrol and yesterday I paid 79.9c per litre.
    It is just indicative of weak and costly government departments over laden with non productve-highly paid employees who have no business skills at all.
    One can only hope and pray for corrective measures against high costs of employment and bonuses that have been bred into the work force by such soft socialist ideals that have crept into society. I hear that some German manufacturers are trying to restructure the whole BENEFIT issues with their employees. Someone has to take the initiative to reduce the burgeoning costs of employing people. Maybe a massive depression is what we really need to bring back reality. Reality is what all small business owners want as they watch the gap between them and public servants widen. How can some non productive, skill retarded, $70k per year public servant spend 15 years in a job and leave with a $600k package? It is diss-incentive to the small business owners and operators who battle to put anything away over a 15 year period. I could go on and on but you get my gist.
    Crash and burn and start again.
    Go Gold
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