NUZ 6.25% 17.0¢ neurizon therapeutics limited

PharmAust media thread, page-164

  1. 1,479 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 517

    So, just projecting forward a bit, should a BP come and throw an appealing offer on the table and the majority of SH choose to accept ... how does the process of me selling my shares to the BP go down? I've not been involved in that type of T/O transaction before.

    Is it a Commsec thing, or do they send a letter, or electronic link, or is it done through a specified website?

    Just wondering ... I like to be prepared.


    Last edited by volvoman: 05/03/24
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17.0¢ 17.0¢ 16.5¢ $32.62K 196.2K

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3 192992 16.5¢

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17.0¢ 122443 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 16/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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