The company is not listed. Most existing holders bought through...

  1. 13,650 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3920

    The company is not listed. Most existing holders bought through CPS capital in a seed capital raising. The intention was an eventual IPO. You might want to register your interest with CPS in case that eventuates but it's looking increasingly likely that the company will be bought out instead.
    I have stated that I would be willing to sell around 10% of my holding but you probably wouldn't like the price that I'm asking and I wouldn't blame you. It's based on what I'm hearing the buyout talks will be valuing the company at. The JORC will be out soon to give us a better idea on potential valuation.

    Regarding the future of lithium, according to Jeffrey Dahn's team;
    "the scuttlebutt is that by 2030, batteries with 1000 Wh/kg energy density will be commonplace and 1500 Wh/kg will be right around the corner. By then, most commercial aircraft will be battery powered, as will the majority of coastal shipping."

    That's only around 7 years from now. The future market for lithium still looks like it will experience incredibly strong and rapid growth. More from the same article;

    Lithium Leads
    711 Wh/kg is a remarkable feat. Yes, it has only been achieved in the laboratory, but take a look at that chart at the top of this story. Notice anything interesting? The trend toward more energy-dense batteries is speeding up, and one of the leaders is Jeffrey Dahn and his team of battery researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. CleanTechnica readers will recall that Dahn is one of the battery researchers retained by Tesla to keep it abreast of the latest technology advances.
    Much more here
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