On Saturday Agenda, on SkyNews, Graeme Richardson [who even the...

  1. 135 Posts.
    On Saturday Agenda, on SkyNews, Graeme Richardson [who even the most rusted on ALP acolyte would concede is hardly an objective commentator] said that in all the time he has followed politics he has never seen a PM as disliked. He said the dislike is visceral.

    Though I don't share his politics, Richo is one of the more astute operators out there. The ALP is fighting for its very survival here - does it support its blue collar grass roots or pander to the lefties who are deserting to the Greens? It cannot do both, and catering to the latter over the past year clearly isn't working. Labor should embrace its blue collar heartland, cut the left adrift and seek to destroy it, as Abbott so effectively did with One Nation.

    I support a strong two party system in Australia to counter balance each other. The thing is they both need to hover around the centre. Aussies don't like left wing ratbaggery. Time for the ALP to shape up, stop doing deals with the Greens. If the ALP and Libs put the Greens last on their how to votes, this scourge on democracy would be gone within two elections. We can hope!
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