Pi Network, page-6

  1. 49 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    The fact you are handing over full access and private data on your phone to an anonymous company (most likely pretending to be Stanford University affiliated as there is no proof) in exchange for some worthless shitcoins that you cant currently cash out. The project is also closed source and the whitepaper on their website is a complete joke full of buzzwords and desinged to fool people (as nearly all crypto whitepapers are). Red flags everywhere with this. I just hate to think what they could be doing in the background on your phone and the fact you have to 'check in' once a day to collect your rewards is highly suspicious.

    Just because you aren't handing over money directly doesn't mean it isn't a scam. They are most likely taking you to the cleaners with your valuable private data and control of your phone. Its a shame after all the privacy breaches with facebook and android etc over the last few years people aren't more careful
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