piers akerman nails it- kev conman

  1. 18,060 Posts.
    Kevvie the conman caught out on PNG “arrangement”

    Piers Akerman
    Monday, July 22, 2013 (12:07am)

    ON FRIDAY, Kevvie from Brizzie began his announcement of the phony PNG deal by saying: “I want to level with the nation” – but that was complete nonsense.

    He said he an “arrangement” with PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill but we only learnt yesterday what sort of an “arrangement” it is.

    For all the claims that Kevvie made, the deal might as well be a flower arrangement.

    It’s all poppycock.

    As Opposition leader Tony Abbott said after he was finally able to obtain a copy of cobbled together humbug, Kevvie is “essentially misleading the Australian people”.

    “This is not a solution to our problem, Abbott said. “This is not a policy to stop the boats.

    “This is simply a pre-election fix. This is simply something that is held together with Blu-Tak and sticky tape to last until the election, if possible.”

    Just as all intelligent Australians who have worked out just how insubstantial Kevvie is were thinking.

    Kevvie has done it again.

    For a failed former Prime Minister and failed former Foreign Minister to be chosen to lead the Labor Party says a lot about how far that party has fallen.

    The deal is not open-ended as Kevvie said, only Australian funding for the deal is open-ended.

    It won’t stop the boats and it won’t stop illegal arrivals from coming to Australia.

    Kevvie has been lying again.

    The PNG Prime Minister has made it clear that the number of people his country would accept was governed by the capacity of its facility on Manus Island.

    That’s the only detention camp the nation has.

    It has a a current capacity of about 300 – approximately one week’s arrivals.

    The Papuans themselves have already made it clear they are deeply unhappy at the prospect of boatloads of Muslims arriving and being forced into their communities. They are currently debating a Bill which would bar non-Christians from permanent settlement.

    When they look across the Torres Strait and see the angst that 50,000 uninvited guests can cause, they are understandably fraught about the destabilising effect such numbers would have on their nation.

    Kevvie hasn’t solved any problems in his life, he has only created them.

    His two-page “arrangement” with PNG is a scandalous recipe for national mayhem.

    If $60 million damage can be done by a handful of inmates of a camp on Nauru, just imagine the damage that could be caused in an urban environment by a significant number of determined illegal arrivals?

    Kevvie the conman has struck again.

    This thing is crumbling before our eyes –only the ABC and the Fairfax media think it is brilliant.

    Which really says it all.

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