Duck...This prospensity for violence by some posters is concerning.Saturdays game will be a defining moment for the CFC's players and supporters. Terms like 'colliwobbles' and 'feral supporters' will vaporize from the Oz lexicon. With leadership from the top(Eddie),I see the emergence of *SNAPS*...SENSITIVE NEW AGE PIE SUPPORTERS(sorta like SNAG...sensitive new age guys/grandads) How to spot SNAPS at saturdays game: *Will be decked out in full black n white regalia *Please n thankyou will be heard when they order pasties n popcorn *Politely applauding opp feats(specially st nicks) *Umpiring BLUNDERS(both sides) will evoke comments like"their only human","anybody can make a mistake"etc *Offering peace n goodwill comments n gestures to all on victory and empathetic responses to Sts fans like "feel for yr,bro","been there","always next year","sun will come up tomorrow",etc,etc. My head n heart says pies by 61pts Everyone else I know says the Saints. Why does everyone hate Collingwood???