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  1. 10,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Goodie3shoes the Babcock and Gunns situation and hydrids are a separate issue.As far as I know Babcock hybrid holders received a payout and the Gunns hybrid it was a total loss(correct me if I am wrong).Maybe even the Babcock hybrid holders who bought at a low profitted from the situation.So both different situations.I would add that PaperlinX has net assets on the balance sheet so there is value there.There could be people who are out and out hybrid holders who had the Babcock and/or the Gunns Hybrids.I am only saying after reading the debacle on the Babcock situation it lead me to beleive that the ords and hybrids are almost 2 and the same as an investment of risk.If people were smart with their approach they would be trying to get a full year profit forecast for 2014/2015.Is there one out there?
    What I would also say is if you were in Andrew Price position would you put all of your wealth in PaperlinX?He has done the right thing and purchased some shares.
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