If you have any doubts about where Winmar is is relation to the other big players in the Pilbara then check out the Maps below ... the larger picture shows where they are in relation to other players.
1. Notice proximty to Flinders (FMS) which Jorc 917MT @ 55% Fe which under takeover for $554m and the FMG Solomon Deposit and proposed rail.
2. Notice where the proposed FMG rail is in relation to WFE's tenements. WFE owns 50% (and option to acquire 100%) of a Jorc 241.6mt @ 54.3% Fe and is targeting 400mt @ 54-56% Fe.
They will have heavy rail (FMG) to their front door have Chinese investors involved already.
Still Mcap is $7.64m at time of writing and by my estimates approx $3.7m in cash after last raise...
All is in IMHO DYOR to confirm the above.
WFE Price at posting:
9.3¢ Sentiment: Hold Disclosure: Held