Pilot burned alive in cage, page-52

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    no we just sit tight here - and wait - it's our grandkids who'll be being beheaded - blown up - butchered - raped, kidnapped, sold into slavery - and now, this ghastly of all horrors - someone caged and burnt to death. Alive, helpless. What unspeakable savagery.

    "Let 'em all in on thse boats, poor things" whine the bleeding hearts, the Greens, the ones whose human compassion only seems to the extend to the outer fencings of detention centres -

    let people IN - ones who don't have any official passports or personal papers to present as bona fides - eh? Imagine any of US - just mere Aussie citizens - vulnerable and naive -turning up at some airport - Middle Eastern - saying "I've lost my papers, but I wish to come and live here - the Labor Party are persecuting me!"

    SO our new hosts say - Oh, No worries - welcome to you, and your (large) family - let me show you to your new apartment - food and furniture coming tomorrow. And our Islamist version Centrelink lady - she'll visit you - no need to stir - to tot up all that we'll be owing you - from date of arrival. And here are some gifted prayer mats. I trust you're of the Islam faith. And the keys to this brand new rental car..And the good news is - there's a brand new Mega Mosque being built just down the road - not far - it's on that block you see over there - that Christian church's on it's been demolished. Please ensure you ladies are fully covered on going out - or else they risk stonings. NO eye contact allowed with any strange men.

    Your delivery of Halal food will also come tomorrow. That's door knock - that's the religious police. And BTW - no laughing ever allowed. You are required to look miserable/obedient at all times. And submit any family member who errs. For suitable punishment.

    Burning someone to death - caged - alive - this is a descent into Hades. It's NOT humanity. Imagine the life long sufferings of this young man's family to come.

    Why isn't the free world in total upraor at this - as putirdly disgusting as any concentration camp atrocities. Yet are we now THIS disgracefully de-sensitized? Where is the world's shouting in protest? The UN Human Rights people have the nerve to call us out for OUR so-called human rights breaches? Where are the UN in this nightmare?

    Wonder what Christine Milne thinks? And all the bleeding heart QC's? With them - it's always OUR fault.
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