Pilot burned alive in cage, page-57

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "Why would you want to give them front page - you are then walking right into delivering the outcome they seek."

    I don't agree Peace. I think they are only hurting their own cause. If they wanted an Islamic state they could've flown somewhat under the radar by not bringing so much attention onto themselves by beheading westerners and uploading images.

    If they have given up on that goal and fear is their goal, again, all they are doing is hurting themselves and Muslims in general.

    The west has been happy to sit on their hands and not confront the issue of Islam. Most westerners prefer to just pretend it's not an issue. These graphic killings and attacks in the west will only make leaders wake up to themselves and implement policies to protect us.

    If it weren't for jihadists going abroad and Isis in general the government probably would not have inactef anti-terror laws and implemented raids.

    These actions are all just a wake up call that the west needed to warn them that with Muslim immigration, comes a radical element who is hellbent on terror/killing.

    The only way to confront an issue is to expose it. I am sure many young catholic kids will benefit in the future from exposing the church.

    People have had their heads in the sand for too long and ISIS is schooling us and our governments into what we may inherit in the future if our governments fail its people.

    I say splash it over every media outlet and expose them. Meanwhile, Isis' world in the ME will get smaller and smaller as the west and its resolve gets stronger, and Arab countries like Jordan join the fight.
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