''you'd be more than happy for right wing trash to be put in...

  1. 85,882 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''you'd be more than happy for right wing trash to be put in uncomfortable jails !!!! but before that let the French coppers at 'em !!!''

    now there's a leap in assumption from an illogical and fixated mind

    that my dear, is YOUR opinion - certainly not mine

    I've opined and backed up with large quantities of data that jail makes people worse, not better.

    I've no reason to change my thoughts on that for right wingers

    IMO, most people who have antisocial behaviours - act like they do because somewhere along the line they have suffered pain, perhaps abuse and perhaps punishment

    one has to wonder what went wrong with you ------I could have a good guess, but, it's too personal and I'd probably hit the nail on the head and cause you pain which would be of no point at all, nor of any value to anyone

    I am indeed sorry for whatever it was that occurred to you, almost for sure when you were young
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