Planet close to WW3, page-12

  1. 6,130 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 204
    I doubt it. Smoke and mirrors here.
    The Russians and US, UK have recognizes the Muslim threat for many decades.
    The Russians and America played tag team in Afghanistan.
    The Brits ensured Pakistan was created to their typical divide and rule approach.

    Comes down to economics ,The Jewish approach is interest rates, the Muslim approach is no interest rates at is " usuary ".
    So there lending for housing etc is to take a cut of the property ownership.

    So it is a war of culture, trade and economics.
    Muhummed was a warrior and involved in trade. The Arab scribes wanted a piece of the Christian, Jewish trade
    route, systems and used this chap as the focal point ( the scribes borrowed the Christian and Jewish faith icons for good measure ).

    Muslims will never assimilate as it is not within their cultural, economic, religious view of the world.
    Pity really.

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