lols, dude, you live in a fantasy world....

  1. 25,101 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    lols, dude, you live in a fantasy world.

    The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Russian global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Russia.

      1. 1. Gems, precious metals: US$7.4 billion (2.2% of total exports)

      1. 2. Machines, engines, pumps: $8.1 billion (2.4%)

      1. 3. Cereals: $5.5 billion (1.7%)

      1. 4. Aluminum: $6.9 billion (2.1%)

      1. 5. Wood: $6.2 billion (1.8%)

      1. 6. Fertilizers: $8.6 billion (2.6%)

      1. 7. Copper: $4.2 billion (1.2%)

      1. 8. Iron and steel: $14.9 billion (4.5%)

      1. 9. Oil: $168.7 billion (50.6%)

    1. 10. Inorganic chemicals: $3.7 billion (1.1%)

    I looked hard but couldn't see guns and weapons on there anywhere.

    Russia's weapons exports come to about 15Bn...the Us's was around 37Bn back in 2014.

    They sold 33Bn worth of weapons to Muslim countries last year alone.
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