NEO nuenco nl

playing defence, page-12

  1. 172 Posts.
    You are a true apparition! Again you demonstrate that there are more idiots on this board.

    When did I ever say that any of these figures were mine? Why don't you start from the very beginning of the NEO story (after the farm-in) and read through all of their announcemnts/reports/presentations ( need to back a bit further mate to get the full picture) and then let's see you and others have the audacity to tell me that I am pulling ANY of these numbers out of the air.

    At least I take the time out to understand where I am putting my money and read every shred of evidence to derive a thesis. You (and others) have no idea where you are generating your numbers from, and seem to just go with the flavour of the month. True herd mentality in action!

    You say you are going to wait until management gives you the facts until you derive a valuation! Are you serious??? Well then, considering the Monterey wells produce for 50+ years, I think you will be doing your valuation from another place. In the oil business the facts are never know with certainty until the field is fully exploited. Until then valuations are all estimate-based! At this stage we can't perform DCF or income-based valuations, only asset based valuations, because that requires even more assumptions! Assumptions on opex, capex, tax reforms, royalties, forward curves, inflation rates etc, etc, etc. Asset based valuations typically utilise market-based value multiples to derive estimates of value. There is no other type of calculation that can be used with greater effect for exploration-based companies.

    Don't you even read announcements??? Yet you and others try to pin me down and state that I have guaranteed this value being reached. You are another joker who has no clue and is just looking to engage in a little bit of argy-bargy to boost your own flagging ego.

    Do I think NEO will reach the value I posted? I never said it would, I only presented the "best case" facts based on management's disclosed pre-drill estimates. Chances are it will fall somewhere in between i.e. a most likely case! That's why we typically risk adjust best-case scenarios, as I initially suggested to all.

    Heck maybe I'm wrong in buying into NEO, but at least I add to the collective thought process. I never forced anyone to buy 1 share, and I put myself on the line. It's a real shame that a lot of people's input amounts to nothing more that taking pot shots at contributors, when they contribute nothing of substance themselves.

    In truth there are only a few people I think have a clue here and have substantial money to play the markets with. I for one, do not have any more time or patience to waste on such ignorance.

    I'll keep my insights for those serious players I email privately.
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