please don't go andy bolt, page-20

  1. 7,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Chuck such a lovely article that critique on our Andy.
    I am so pleased you would think it beneficial to HC readers to absorb the first thing that sprang to Ed Butler's mind, as he puts it, prior to spraying his audience with this filth...

    In the fetid ecosystem that is our incubator of conservative columnists, he is the apex predator.


    It came to mind because, much as there would be high fives aplenty on the final day of the rotisserie of rubbish that is most of Bolt’s output...

    Chuck the first thing that came to my mind on reading this disgusting drivel was that one man's rotisserie of rubbish is another's treasure-trove of truths and never more so than when Andy Bolt's vast and excellent literary output is compared to lowlife Ed Butler's overflowing cesspool of bile-spewing excrement but then again on reflection this filth is roughly par for a socialist slag's "mind".

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