To have an informed discussion on any subject we’d need to first...

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    To have an informed discussion on any subject we’d need to first establish what we’re discussing.

    true. what needs to be discussed is what actually is 'god' because if the concept of 'god' is taken for granted rather than investigated then the discussion has its foundation upon an assumption

    1. What is God?

    God is lawfulness pertaining to human-wellbeing. all of the prophets, be they theistic or non-theistic, were concerned with the lawfulness pertaining to human-wellbeing. this is why all religions have the same ethical values pertaining to human behaviour (action) and all (modern) religions recognise the events of life (eg. death, loss) that bring psychological suffering & attempt to provide solutions for this psychological suffering.

    2. Or better, what is YOUR god?

    irrelevant. there is only one true lawfulness (god) but there are, at times, different solutions for people of different dispositions

    3. What does he/she do?

    lawfulness provides responses, reactions or 'fruits' in relation to actions. eg. X action brings Y result (fruit) and Z action brings P result (fruit)

    4. On that note, of what sex is it?

    law is sexless

    5. How does she manifest herself?

    through the nervous system, manifesting pleasantness or pain

    6. Is there proof of her existence?

    yes, as answered above, in 3 & 5

    7. How long has she been around?

    cannot be answered since no beginning point can be found. where ever there are forces of 'balance' & 'interrelatedness', there is lawfulness

    8. Is she everyone’s god?

    yes because all wish for happiness & do not wish for suffering. but all do not recognise it and some even anthromorphise it

    9. Meaning is everyone under her spell, so to speak?

    no. some are free from the spell via non-attachment & the realisation of selflessness. they have reached the state free from suffering & non-attached to spiritual joy

    10. How does she interact with you?

    it (not 'she') can interact with the mind (not 'you') in many ways. if the mind can 'let go' & 'completely surrender', great peace & contentment can come

    11. And if so is there an exchange of some kind of energy when she interacts?

    it (not 'she') can certainly exchange 'energy' in pleasant, unpleasant & pure/peaceful ways. in the highest peaceful path, it dissolves negative energy to fill with purity of peacefulness & radiant clarity

    12. Can she be contacted at will and will she answer anyone’s call? Not asking for her number here.

    only it can ordain this

    13. Is she a benevolent or wrathful god?

    it depends on the mind. certain intentions bring wrath & certain intentions bring benevolence

    14. Does she punish/reward behaviour?


    15. Has she readied a haven/hell for the kind/sinners?

    yes. however, this heaven & hell is within the mind

    16. What is her intention for the universe?

    none. none whatsoever

    17. And last but not least is there only ONE god?

    yes. but take care with how you define 'god'

    Would be very grateful for some elucidating answers since this thread’s topic is religion, which implies believe in a god and lots of experts on the topic must be frequenting it.

    thank you for your gratefulness, which is a virtue. but many experts may not believe in your concept of 'god' since they do not believe but know as fact LAWFULNESS

    good luck with your sexual obsessions
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