ECT 0.00% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

please help me understand something, page-33

  1. 3,044 Posts.
    LOL. Megagene...have you contemplated what the actual issue Testarossa is trying to allude to is?

    The mere fact that he'd need to attend an AGM to ask such questions, when it should have been disclosed/clarified from the get-go is the issue at hand.

    It's easy to say...ask the Co, but in reality, such questions should never even be required to be asked from the onset.

    All should have been clearly explained, again from the onset.

    Surges, it can be clearly argued, all you do 'plenty times a day' is continually cloak the evident and very apparent poor performance of this stocks SP as anything but that. Thus, one can clearly suspect YOU of being "agenda driven", no?

    We've all heard the 'tree shake' and 'weak hands' rhetoric aplenty before, so spare us.
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