vista is fast..twice that ofmy old XP 3GHZ box that takes well...

  1. 25,374 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    vista is fast..twice that of

    my old XP 3GHZ box that takes well over a minute to boot.

    MSoft have finally beaten the pirates as my OS Vista disk will only reload/Back up/ on the original PC used..

    Or so Im told
    I have not tried it...

    some glitches in very simple file opening, closing screens freezing a few times...already had an online OS update

    expecting a few more untill the next inevitable Service pack released

    there are a number of software compatability issues
    allthough it has an OS conversion on an "easy upload" on the fly inbuilt... which takes in the uploaded programs WIN config settings...

    anyway..just regot FF and.ive killed the adds,( dont tell anyone.) blank screens but early days
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