Plibersek disgraceful; Senator Price, page-7

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    In case you cannot access it- part of the article is below – no wonder hopeless Albo has sidelinedPlibersek

    ▼ THIS is an aboriginal elder???? (in above linked article) ▼

    RegisResources: Jacinta Nampijinpa Price fumes over fake Indigenous Australiansafter NSW gold mine shafted

    AdrianRauso and Dan Jervis-Bardy


    SenatorPrice launched the attack as the Coalition pushes to overturn EnvironmentMinister Tanya Plibersek’s decision to torpedo the $1 billion McPhillamysdevelopment.

    Credit: TheNightly/Supplied

    Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Jacinta NampijinpaPrice has blasted the Environmental Defenders Office and raised concerns aboutpeople masquerading as Aboriginal in light of the Regis Resources gold minerejection.

    Senator Price launched the attack as the Coalition pushes tooverturn Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s decision to torpedo the $1billion McPhillamys development.

    The taxpayer-funded EDO backed a protracted legal challenge toRegis’ development in regional New South Wales by a small number of Wiradjuripeople, spearheaded by Wiradjuri Elder Nyree Reynolds.

    Ms Plibersek late last week ruled in favour of a Section 10application under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage ProtectionAct 1984 lodged by Ms Reynolds — effectively killing off McPhillamys — on thegrounds a proposed tailings dam would damage “songlines”.

    The decision was made despite the main Aboriginal corporation inthe region — the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council — holding a “neutral”stance on the development.

    Ms Reynolds has not responded to The Nightly’s request forcomment.

    Senator Price says it was “utterly disgraceful” the FederalGovernment continued to fund the EDO — which is essentially a legal service forenvironmental activists — and called into question the organisation’spractices.

    “We need to know more detail about the individuals that EDO havebeen consulting with regard to this case because concerns have been brought upabout the individuals that the EDO have used for this particular case,” MsPrice said.

    “We know, as Indigenous Australians, that there are a lot ofpeople who are claiming to be Indigenous, who are, in fact, not Indigenous, andthis is a growing concern amongst Indigenous Australians.

    “It certainly is (a concern) amongst the Wiradjuri people . . . Ihave many conversations with those who are legitimate Wiradjuri people aswell.”

    The Coalition has already promised to strip the EDO of its roughly$2 million per year in taxpayer funding if it wins the next Federal Election.

    The firm’s practices were exposed during the Barossa gas pipelinesaga, with a federal court judge finding one of its lawyers had confectedevidence and coached Tiwi Islander witnesses during its failed bid to stopSantos’ mega project.

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