ffs - people believe anything. Simple question - if volcanos...

  1. 5,299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 78
    ffs - people believe anything.

    Simple question - if volcanos emitted so much CO2 following an explosion wouldn't you then expect to see a corresponding spike in co2 levels in the atmosphere for the period following the explosion at which point the chart would flatten out?

    Yes or no?  (please feel free to explain your answer) Perhaps you can find me any charts that show this (hand drawn ones not allowed!!)

    When you've failed on that count you can find me a chart that shows volcanic activity has somehow magically increased since the start of the industrial revolution because that's what Plimer must be saying.

    Simple fact is human co2 output outweighs volcanic action by 100 times per year (each and every year) and I won't even start on the fact that particulate matter from volcanic eruptions actually shades incoming solar radiation and therefore actually COOLS global temperatures.

    f*&^ing madness!!!!!!
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