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    Kuwait Says Lebanon, Turkey ‘Better Suited’ for Syrian Refugees

    A Kuwait official says Syrian refugees should never be allowed to enter his country. Lebanon and Turkey are "better suited" to them.

    A Kuwaiti official has cleared up the mystery floating why none of the oil-rich Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, have yet allowed the Syrian refugees fleeding the savage civil war in their land to set foot on their shores.

    Kuwaiti official Fahad Al Shalami told France24 television in a broadcast interview on Sept. 2 that in fact, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) should never accept Syrian refugees.

    Kuwait and the other GCC countries are “too valuable to accept any refugees,” Al Shalami said.
    “Our countries are only fit for workers. It’s too costly to relocate them here.

    “Kuwait is too expensive for them anyway, as opposed to Lebanon and Turkey which are cheap,” he explained. “These countries are better suited for the Syrian refugees.”

    But there is also another, equally important reason the oil-rich nations should not welcome the Syrian refugees, Al Shalami said.

    “In the end, it is not right for us to accept a people that are different from us. We don’t want people who suffer from internal stress and trauma in our country!”


    That's right these rich Muslim countries, the number they want from Syria is ZERO because they will be to much of a burden on their countries!

    Time for the West to arise from their slumber before it's to late to save our civilisation!
    Last edited by jitttlatw07: 08/09/15
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