Yes, dusty. Turnbull is the sort of politician we'd all love to...

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    Yes, dusty.
    Turnbull is the sort of politician we'd all love to love but just can't get to do it, somehow. Few policies and too much politics. Big tin drum but no beat.
    I've no doubt that your suspicions about his comrades are correct. Both parties, Lib and Lab like to see a winner, one that puts runs on the board quickly and both parties will punish anyone who doesn't make those runs and lionise the person who does. They thought Howard made those runs and so they've idolised the dictator all those years without being at all bothered about how he got those runs or what he did to this country in the process.

    "Turnbull just doesn't come across as the complete package."

    Nope, you're quite right there, dusty. Something is missing to make it full!

    I think a little diplomacy at the moment would do him the world of good. Something he could learn from Rudd. Diplomacy is nine tenths of the art of successful politics.
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