What do we need to pay the Gillard clown circus such fantastic,...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    What do we need to pay the Gillard clown circus such fantastic, Wall Street level salaries for?

    This is the most ridiculous situation in the world that we get the worst possible destructive action from the paid labor politicians we have as our public servants...

    I notice that Gillard seems too scared of flying sandwiches to visit high schools any more...
    I guess high school kids are now too aware of the social and economic damage that Gillard has inflicted on Australia and how she has damaged their futures...

    Now it is primary schools and questions about school plays...
    Even then it seems that the primary school Gillard bravely visited only allowed a small group of the tamest of children on with obviously prepared and rehearsed questions...

    And this ridiculous clown circus spectacle is what we are paying $500,000 a year for, and also of course the gold-plated retirement package she and hre socialist cronies will get...

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