I kind of agree --------- 10 years or more ago - I would have...

  1. 84,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I kind of agree --------- 10 years or more ago - I would have whole heartily agreed

    for storage - I think that it's too late for a bit player like Oz with very few well educated people to go alone on projects --------- do partnerships - yep and back them well - yep.

    And, yes, I understand that we'll be giving away a lot of ownership - and I've argued against that in resource companies - but, this is a different era and a different industry - it's not just plain vanilla digging dirt and selling resource companies off to foreigners

    all over the world - 'massive ++++++' companies are pouring bazillions into research for storage - for a place like Oz to hope to get some traction when it's left education in the dust 40 years ago, when general research funding is a mere historical quaint idea

    well, IMO, by the time we even remotely got started - the game would be all over.

    the partnership with Sydney University and Microsoft to do with Quantum computing has gone well as far as I know - although I haven't heard much for a while - but, that seems to be a model that can work ----- partnering with a Goliath

    but, to go alone from scratch --------------- whoosh, in today's world with the state of research and Universities and entrants in Oz ---------------- it's really a pipe dream I think

    oh - and I suspect that Lithium will be a very short passing phase -------- I think AI materials research will blow Lithium away pretty quickly

    if there's an area to perhaps put some Ozzie money into pure research - maybe letting loose a big bag of money into a big room with Aussie young minds - going for AI and materials research might be valuable ------------ you can luck in a hit that someone else doesn't - because Ozzies do think differently ---------- give em lots of money, lots of boxes of pizza, lots of cartons of coke and close the door and hope like hell
    we know what'll happen -------- the door will open after a while and they'll ask for more wheelbarrows of cash and more pizzas ------------- one just has to hope that one day the door opens and they come out screaming with a success ---------- tis the nature of general research

    but then, even there - one is trying to pick winners - and we are dreadful at that
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