"PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is reassuring NSW coal miners her...

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    "PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is reassuring NSW coal miners her carbon tax will not stop their sons following in their footsteps.

    Ms Gillard is spruiking her carbon price package in the NSW Hunter Valley today.

    She met with Centennial Coal workers at Mandalong, answering their questions about how her climate change plan will affect the industry.

    "They've got a future here at this mine," she said.

    "If their sons want to follow them into this industry, then they will have a future in coal mining too."

    She told reporters the mine would continue for the life of its production span, which could be 25 years.

    "There's a great future in coal mining here and around the nation," she said."
    I must be missing something here.

    How can she say, "There's a great future in coal mining here..." when the whole idea of her Carbon Tax is to REDUCE the use of coal and her buddy Bob Brown wants to CLOSE DOWN all coal mines ASAP?

    Some how I don't think those miners feel very reassured of their future!

    Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/pm-reassures-coal-workers-on-carbon-tax/story-e6frfku0-1226097453270#ixzz1SWkCM6FQ
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