PNG choose China:Australia want is for us to be farmers and fishermen forever., page-5

  1. 82,557 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    why would China need a spy base in Australia???????????

    it's got a bazillion Chinese people here as residents free to travel anywhere in the country - they already own entire suburbs - - gees, I need to take a passport to go to Box Hill shopping centre now

    the last thing they need is a spy base.

    They are merely doing what some rising powers do - spread out bases a bit

    Look at America - it's got bases all over the world - including across oceans from itself.

    China at least is somewhere near it's own backyard here -------- it will want to, whether it knows it or not - set up a hegemony -- which can be a good thing for everyone if everyone is treated with respect.

    I doubt if any Canadians go to bed at night worried that America is going to invade them - but, they probably go to bed at night feeling safe that no one is going to invade them BECAUSE America is next door.

    What do we expect a rising economic power to do?? - when it goes from zip to number one economy on the planet?? ------------ don't increase it's reach at all?????????

    Pretty obvious I would have thought
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