VAU 0.61% 40.8¢ vault minerals limited

POG Once suppon a time

  1. 79 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Many talk about the current and future POG, which is obviously a crucial element for the future of gold mines.
    However, no one talks about the POG of the past and it is interesting to compare the share price of RED/VAU (and certainly other gold mines) today with the first historical increase in gold and its peak in early 2012. RED was worth $2.20 with a POG of $1,700 compared to $4,200 today.
    Of course, we must take into account the price of the US $ and compare with the number of shares outstanding at the time, without forgetting that gold mines are dependent on their reserves, but it is still worth thinking about.
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Mkt cap ! $2.737B
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40.5¢ 41.3¢ 40.3¢ $3.398M 8.331M

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61 676809 40.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
41.0¢ 767808 50
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Last trade - 12.55pm 10/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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