police admit error re thomson, page-23

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    To all the fine posters who no doubt have plenty else to do with their time rather than keeping on reading and posting to support this forum, which so many are doing brilliantly - those who CAN SEE - and KNOW - that truth eventually wins out. Thank heavens for your patriotism - and perseverance, in coming onto this forum, posting common sense, and dispensing valuable information the general public are mostly ignorant of.
    For most - it'd be Thomson who? McTernan - what? AWU - what - some grocery chain? Not that I suggest people are dumb necessarily. Just busy with other things. and so, allegedly, Gillard thrives with her lies.

    I've just had a bilous attack - watching the Governor General "swearing in" these "new" Ministers. Suggest "swearing at" may have been more applicable - HOW can this lady stand there and smile - this is now turning to farce.
    These people still have the gall to stand there, fixed smiles on their faces - knowing some real truths - in some real situations, allegedly conversant with details of pending situations which are explosive, and which WILL emerge, given time.

    Chairs being re-arranged on the Titanic - an old cliche, but hugely appropriate here. It's getting to be time the Queen received a petition from Australia patriots - asking to intervene in this cheap shambles.

    And Dreyfus whiningly, (allegedly hugely deviously) insisting that, no. Ms. Gillard had no inkling that Roxon and Evans had planned to go - last 12 months ago. And him the new AG candidate? What happened to standards? Just HOW MANY apologists for Ms. Gillard are there?

    and the glasses, Contact lenses good enough before, Why not now? Just more smoke, mirrors, and subterfuge.

    As for Mr. McCardle, the best thing you can do for your client, Sir, in my own humble opinion, not being unfamiliar with courts and the tricks legal eagles get up to, is to ditch the petty point scoring, shut up with the constant weak excuses as to why we should all feel sorry for Mr. Craig Thomson in his present predicament, and get on with your actual job. Funny how all the Marxists are dead set against the police, and all FOR Mr. Thomson - and retaining his vote - in order to retain themselves on their road to huge golden handshakes. For the longer this gos - the bigger their payouts!

    Innocent or guilty, the public are fed up with this "poor little Craig" facade. He is no male 'ingenue'. The buck surely stopped with him, when at the HSU.

    The question which SHOULD be being asked, instead, is - WHO is going to pay for his legal defence costs this time round? The opublic have a right to be told! Surely NOT the Taxpayer? Or will Labor cough up once more. (If they have any money left - which is doubtful.)

    But then, I suppose Mr. McTernan has, at HIS disposal, that huge pool - yes, 600 media "crew" it's said Ms. Gillard employs and enjoys - a sort of unofficial "paralegal" army McArdle would, I imagine, have resort to, - and bet your bottom bippy they'll be pushed to the limit, for Mr. McMardle, to dotting every "I" and crossing every "T" -
    to ensure Mr. Thomson is portrayed in the media as some poor little, hugely wronged "martyr".

    One good thing will come out of this minor kerfuffle storm in a teacup the Leftists now drool over - over police paperwork wording though! ABC journalists will have yet more to talk about - and this will be endless - at least 3 months worth - of anti NSW copper bashing. Sales and Uhlmann will be hysterical with glee! And "poor little" Thomson excuses.

    Why, David Marr, political commentator and guardian of journalistic morals, will be thoroughly overjoyed to the point of hysteria!

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