GZ,Maybe Assange is being used without his knowledge, i.e people...

  1. 848 Posts.

    Maybe Assange is being used without his knowledge, i.e people in intelligence agencies are releasing what they want released. At the end of the day Assange doesn't really use computer hacking to get his material, he relies on insiders to leak stuff out. This computer hacking type persona he has is more or less a smoke screen to help protect the insiders leaking stuff out. I think Assange is more legitimate than a fraud, and yes I do think he is being used by the power structure as a convenient tool unwittingly to Mr Assange. A lot of activity with China of late, the West is clearly not happy with China and Russia. Looks as though Korean issue stirred up by the West to send messages to China and also test the waters. It may well be that China has been allowed to industrialize for the purpose of waging a contrived WW3 one day? Who knows? Hard to know exactly what is going on, but I can say for sure that something is going on.

    Assange has guts, got to give him that. I find it disgusting that all these politicians crucify Assange because it is politically correct to do so. Here is a bloke who is trying to help humanity and he is getting thrown under the bus for it? Who do these politicians really serve? It sure ain't the people that is for sure. At least Ecuador offered Assange asylum.

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