artists like to think outside the square - unfortunately, they...

  1. 8,506 Posts.

    artists like to think outside the square - unfortunately, they also think outside of the real world

    zen - what ARE you on? - nobody is denying that some seek out children as sexual objects - they are commonly referred to as pedophiles - and by legitimising nude pics of kids under the guise of 'art' really just reflects on the artist as needing to be provocative, as obviously hasn't the talent to be recognised otherwise - and when i say recognised, it is only in the art community

    "Art for art's sake" is the usual English rendition of a French slogan, from the early 19th century, ''l'art pour l'art'', and expresses a philosophy that the intrinsic value of art, and the only "true" art, is divorced from any didactic, moral or utilitarian function. Such works are sometimes described as "autotelic", from the Greek autoteles, “complete in itself”, a concept that has been expanded to embrace "inner-directed" or "self-motivated" human beings

    i have no doubt that the art community sees it as art, but really, the wider community tends to think otherwise

    can just picture internet pedophiles claiming that these 1000's of pics that they are displaying are artistic - get the drift? - we correctly abhor pedophillia bent, but are expected to believe art should be detached from the rest of society's thinking

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