police shut naked child photo exhibit, page-47

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    What makes it "great?"
    Does every pedophile have the right to carry a camera, seduce children -even parents with money- and take pictures of naked kids claiming he (she) is an "artist?"

    The parents of these kids are irresponsible aiders and abetters of someone in the decaying time of his creativity. They have been seduced by his "fame" or even his "talent" (as seen in his other works) the possible fame of their own children, etc, totally forgetting the possible effect this act might have upon those children in the long run.

    As for the artist, he has done his best work and now (to use a ridiculous cliche) his only grip in fame is "to push the envelope." People should see beyond this cliche and focus on the effect that this act has on society.

    Comparing it to the naked slaughter of children in Bagdhad and elsewhere cuts no ice. Both are repulsive voyeuristic exercises, licensed by their own industry, unconcerned of public sentiments.
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