Police Trolling Social Media in Regards to "Freedom March" Participation and Agitation, page-70

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    Hmm, mocking people for the way they look isn't praiseworthy... and let me tell you that the older you get, the more the attractiveness of youth vanishes until you are left with only your character, morals and spine.

    Hmm, if anyone wonders why I detest refugee virtue signaling nonsense on the abc and SBS it is because that is the new place to hide filth.

    Think back to bob hawke being told by his daughter that she was raped by one of his union comrades. Hawke advised her not to report it as it 'would stir up trouble' (yeah, trouble for him- the evil crime against his own daughter was unimportant apparently) and create problems.
    Well, apart from the miserable unionists at the abc, we're nearly done with criminals hiding behind unions now.
    So, where can vile criminals hide now ?

    Oh, how about importing them and hiding them under refugee status!

    See, the left makes everything worse.
    Now it's 'refugees must be allowed in regardless', hence biden letting undocumented gang members into the USA and most of the federal opposition in Australia desiring to get back to the gold old gillard and rudd days when anyone without a passport could bribe smugglers and be let in.

    I don't want more man monis types here- yes, virginia troll and charlie do want more monis's, along with more Lindt Cafe siege events. This is why those 2 unionists are toxic.

    # If we can close the gaps the left is trying to create before the left makes more chaos, we can lessen the damage the left does.

    The Capitol march in Washington was born of blinding frustration against a corrupt leftist government... in Australia now we have people frustrated by eternal lock downs and governments that offer the people no hope but dependence on vaccines that don't work.

    We have to learn to better define just about everything: Define when we can return to business without more lock downs; Define that our armed forces will not be used against us as labor premiers yearn for; Define that the term refugee does not mean free pass into Australia for paedophiles.

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